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Xbox One

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1st -> The social values that appear embedded in an Xbox One are those of community, play and competition.  Since American’s are typically competitive and entertainment oriented, we can see how the Xbox One fits these roles, especially given the fact that the Xbox One is an American game console.

2nd -> We feel like the Xbox One is gendered, primarily males play video games.  They are the biggest demographic of the industry.  The social implications that it provides is a sense of community with other gamers.  People can play online together from across the United States, or even the World.

3rd -> Game systems as a whole are systematic, given their widespread use and access.  However, the Xbox One is only popular in certain regions, such as the United States or United Kingdom.  Other countries value the other gaming systems, like the Playstation 4 or Wii more than the Xbox.  We think some of this is due to the citizens of a country being excited of their own inventions, Playstation is a Japanese console, so more players play that system in Japan than the Xbox One.  Also, the way the Xbox One is marketed across the world varies quite a bit.  It is heavily marketed in America, but in Japan, it’s not nearly as heavily marketed.

4th -> The Xbox One is a good representation of American Culture because of the fact that America is a very entertainment driven country and the Xbox One is purely entertainment.  Also, we have a sense of competition, which leads to having a community of gamers that we can play and compete against.

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